My Story

Hello and Welcome to Elsie & May!

 I'm Nicola, the hands that craft your jewellery and the brains behind the brand.

Elsie & May is the result of my love affair with making unique pieces of jewellery. I took it up as a  hobby 16 years ago when I started an evening class. It's been a labour of love ever since, a really lovely way to be absorbed and crafting whilst escaping the grind of daily life.

It's a very personal venture. Each piece is made by me by hand, with love and care and a lot of positive energy.  A sentiment reflected in the name: Elsie & May. A personal tribute to two very special ladies in my life: My Nana and Granny. Two amazing ladies, who will be fondly remembered for their kindness, love, and passion for life. Also for their great capacity to tell a fantastic story!  They are my inspiration, the heart and soul of the business.

I look forward to sharing my jewellery with you, and also sharing and re-telling some of Elsie & May's fabulous stories X